Lesson 59: Prayer in Harmony with the Destiny of Man, part 3

What sin destroyed, grace has restored. What the first Adam lost, the second has won back. In Christ man regains his original position, and the Church, abiding in Christ, inherits the promise, “Ask what you will, and it shall be done unto you.” Such a promise does by no means, in the first place, refer to the grace or blessing we need for ourselves. It has reference to our position as the fruit-bearing branches of the Heavenly Vine, who, like Him, only live for the work and glory of the Father. It is for those who abide in Him, who have forsaken self to take up their abode in Him with His life of obedience and self-sacrifice, who have lost their life and found it in Him, who are now entirely given up to the interests of the Father and His kingdom. These are they who understand how their new creation has brought them back to their original destiny, has restored God’s image and likeness, and with it the power to have dominion. Such have indeed the power, each in their own circle, to obtain and dispense the powers of heaven here on earth. With holy boldness they may make known what they will: they live as priests in God’s presence; as kings the powers of the world to come begin to be at their disposal. They enter upon the fulfilment of the promise: “Ask whatever you will, it shall be done unto you.”

Church of the living God! Your calling is higher and holier than you know. Through your members, as kings and priests unto God, would God bestow and withhold the blessing of heaven. In His elect who are not just content to be themselves saved, but yield themselves wholly, that through them, even as through the Son, the Father may fulfil all His glorious counsel. In these His elect, who cry day and night unto Him, God would prove how wonderful man’s original destiny was. As the image-bearer of God on earth, the earth was indeed given into his hand. When he fell, all fell with him: the whole creation groans and travails in pain together. But now he is redeemed; the restoration of the original dignity has begun. It is in very deed of God’s purpose that the fulfilment of His eternal purpose, and the coming of His kingdom, should depend on those of His people who, abiding in Christ, are ready to take up their position in Him their Head, the great Priest-King, and in their prayers are bold enough to say what they will that their God should do. As image-bearer and representative of God on earth, redeemed man has by his prayers to determine the history of this earth. Man was created, and has now again been redeemed, to pray, and by his prayer to have dominion.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, it is in You that the Father has again crowned man with glory and honor, and opened the way for us to be what He would have us be. Oh Lord, have mercy on Your people, and visit Your heritage! Work mightily in Your Church, and teach Your believing disciples to go forth in their royal priesthood, and in the power of prayer, to which You have given such wonderful promises, to serve Your kingdom, to have rule over the nations, and make the name of God glorious in the earth.