Lesson 3: Let not my enemies exult over me.

O Lord of hosts, Lord of lords, my flesh is weak. My misery and necessities are great. Nevertheless, I fear not the sensual scoffing of my enemies. I fear greatly lest I deny Your adorable and revered name, and depart from Your truth. I fear they will rejoice over my weakness and the transgression of Your will. I fear they will mock me and say, “Where is your God now? Where is your Christ?” I fear Your divine honor will thus be reproached through me.

O Lord, preserve me! Keep me, O Lord, for my enemies are strong and many. Yes, they are more numerous than the hairs of my head, and the spears of grass in the fields. My unclean flesh is never at rest. Satan surrounded me as a roaring lion that he might devour me. The blood-thirsty, revengeful world is determined to take my life. They also hate, persecute, burn and murder those who seek Your praise.

Wretched man, I know not where to go for I suffer misery, tribulation, fear and dread on every side, strife within, and persecution without. I say with king Jehoshaphat, “If I know not where to go, I lift my eyes to You.” I depend only on Your grace and mercy as Abraham in Gerar, Jacob in Mesopotamia, Joseph in Egypt, Moses in Media, Israel in the wilderness, David in the mountains, Hezekiah in Jerusalem, the young men in the fiery furnace, Daniel in the lion's den. Yes, all the righteous fathers trusted in You, and were not made ashamed.