Lesson 3: Arguments of Morals and Design

 The third logical evidence for the existence of God is called the Anthropological Argument, or the argument of Morals.

Romans 2:14-15 - "For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves, even though they do not have the law. They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness, and their conflicting thoughts accuse or even excuse them."

According to our text, all mankind has an automatic inward sense of right and wrong. Even if someone never read the Ten Commandments they would still know it is wrong to murder, or that it is wrong to steal, or that it is wrong to lie, etc. Here is the logical question. Why and how could there be a universal moral law on the hearts of all people? Do universal morals just come out of the air? Or can we logically say that universal morals must have come from a Universal Moral Law Giver, i.e. God? And this is what the Bible says God did.

Not only were morals given to man to show us that God is Real but so were other personal attributes. For instance, if God is not Real then where, when, why, and how did man evolve feelings? How did thought ever evolve? Where did the ability to experience guilt or show love and mercy come from? Where did man's ability to think abstractly or appreciate beauty come from? And if man is no different than animals, then why can they not do the same things? Why do we never see peacocks painting portraits like Picasso? Why will dogs not become doctors to help the dying? It is because man was created morally in the image of God, to show us that yes, God is Real.

The fourth logical evidence for the existence of God is called the Teleological Argument or the argument of Design.

Romans 1:19-20 - "For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For His invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse."

 According to our text, nobody on the planet has any excuse for not knowing that God is Real. Why? Because God has revealed Himself in the design of creation. If the world shows intelligent design, and it does, then logically an Ultimate Designer must also exist. Why? Because just as we would not say that a wrist watch evolved accidentally over millions of years somewhere in a field formed from the mud, wind and rain but that it must have had a watchmaker, then how much more should we logically conclude that the world with all its complexities must have been created by a "world-maker" or God? Design implies a Designer!

We will continue with this subject in the next lessons, seeing some specific things about life on this planet that could not exist without important details of design being met.

* What gives you the most assurance that God is real?