Lesson 4: Books of History – Description

The books of History include:

Joshua – here we find examples and illustrations of how God provides for His people according to His plan for them. The conquest of the Land of Canaan was according to God’s plan and time-table. God had promised Abraham hundreds of years before that Canaan was to be the home to His people, and now those promises were coming true for the people of Israel.

Judges – God’s power, compassion and mercy are put on display in this book. A key phrase in this book is, “everyone did as seemed right in their own eyes.” Now look for how things went wrong for people when they followed their own ways, and then how things went right when they followed God’s plan.

Ruth – this book shows how God’s grace and mercy are not limited to a certain race or ethnic people but it is available to all who will come to Him. Boaz is known from this book as the “Kinsman Redeemer” and is a wonderful picture of how Jesus would be the “Kinsman Redeemer” too – see John 1:11-12.

1 & 2 Samuel – here God’s sovereignty is shown, and the promise of Salvation, begun in Genesis, is given further detail as God’s promise is given to David – that Messiah will come through his descendants. See also that God chooses His own king, looking not at the outward appearance but looking at the heart. Jesus would be God’s only choice for the “right” King.

1 & 2 Kings – God judges His people for disobedience, God’s prophets foretell future events which God also brings about, and God remembers and keeps His promises. What was stated in the Law as being God’s way is tested here as man’s ways are sometimes followed rather than God’s ways.

1 & 2 Chronicles – obedience brings blessing, and disobedience brings judgment.

Ezra - God’s administration of grace overrides all other authority in the world. As God had promised, His judgment for disobedience by Israel would result in them again becoming slaves and being carried away from their land. The 70 years of judgment were now past, and God’s timing for their return is achieved.

Nehemiah – reading of God’s word in order to do what He asks, and obedience in the face of opposition. No matter how much people or evil oppose us when we do God’s will, He can and will protect us and make it possible for us to complete the mission He has assigned to us.

Esther – God’s faithfulness to save His people. Though the name of God does not appear in this book, it is clearly God’s faithful hand which guides Esther and Mordecai to become the instruments of God’s salvation. Never fear the circumstances, God is always in charge.

*Which of the main characters in these books reminds you most of your life today? Why?