Lesson 2: Who Is God? (part 2)

Read: John 4:7-26 - www.bible.com/bible/59/jhn.4.esv

As we also saw in the last lesson, God is sovereign. We continue looking at who God is in this lesson. In John 4:24 we are told God is spirit. This means we cannot understand Him with any of our human senses: sight, hearing, touching, smelling, or tasting. Yet, God will describe Himself in those terms in many ways through the Bible – for example, Psalm 34:8 says, “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good…” We saw many other similar descriptions of God in the last lesson referring to His hands or feet or mouth.

God is Creator of all things, as He told us in Genesis 1. Everything in space and time was made by Him from nothing. Scientists try to tell us everything just happened by accident, but most scientists admit organization and design cannot happen by accident – and in everything in our earth we must admit there is organization and design.

God is eternal – He has no beginning and no end. Psalm 41:13 is just one of many verses telling us this fact. Ecclesiastes 3:11 tells us God put eternity into our hearts, but not in a way we can fully understand it all. Mankind has never seen eternity, so there should be no way we could even imagine it – except God put it there for us to long for, to want something we can’t even really imagine.

God is just and righteous, and the judge of justice and righteousness. Psalm 50:3-6 and Matthew 25:31-46 tell us much about God’s final judgment, and the final judgment of everyone who has ever lived is described in Revelation 20:11-15. Even though God is being gracious and patient now, offering salvation and forgiveness to everyone, judgment will surely come when justice and righteousness will be restored.

God is Savior. Since no created being could ever restore themselves to the perfection in which mankind was first created, God Himself had to make a way. The way of restoration had to satisfy both God’s righteousness and His mercy. His righteousness must be satisfied so there could be no charge against Him of overlooking a single sin, and yet also His mercy and love had to be satisfied so every person would be given the opportunity to come (Romans 3:26).

God is Faithful and Truth. Not one single promise He ever made can go unfulfilled. No deception can ever be laid at His feet. No ounce of love or care can go unspent on behalf of His children who have been redeemed by His own blood (Psalm 89 and John 14:1-6). However, this does not mean He must do these things according to our desires or understanding, for His ways are higher than ours as the heavens are above the earth (Isaiah 55:8-11). We cannot understand His ways, so we must trust Him by faith that He knows and will accomplish all He has planned for us.

Who is God? Write down the answer from each of these sets of verses:
*Psalm 89:26; Isaiah 64:8; Romans 8:15; 2 Thessalonians 2:15
*Psalm 23:1; 145:16; Matthew 5:45; 6:8
*Psalm 30:2; Isaiah 53:5; Jeremiah 17:14
*Psalm 51:12; 55:22; 119:116