Lesson 5: Who is Jesus? (part 3)

Read: 1 John 1:1-2:2 - www.bible.com/bible/59/1joh.1.esv

Becoming like us, however, gives Jesus another advantage. He will be our judge on the final day. If God had judged us from His position as God – invisible, spirit, all-knowing, etc. – we would have cried “unfair!” when He sat down to judge us. We would have objected that He had no idea what it meant to be human, so how could He judge us fairly. Jesus became human so we could KNOW He understands our every need and cry. Romans 3:19 tells us “every mouth [will] be stopped, and the whole world [will] be held accountable to God.” Not one single soul will have any objections to His judgment because it will be done by Jesus, God in human form, who became like us so He could judge us righteously.

But in coming to earth Jesus did one more thing for us. He lived a perfect life by trusting in God, His Father, so He could be a perfect example to us of how we could live such a life. He spent time in prayer talking with His Father and let His Father direct His actions. He allowed His disciples to see Him struggling in the garden with the death He was about to face so they would know how to face their own struggles in their lives. He did not remain silent on the cross, as He could have done, so we could see how to face death when He asks us to do so.

Who is Jesus? He is God, our Redeemer, our Friend, our example, our Shepherd, the Light of our existence, the Water which gives us eternal life, the Bread on which we feed, the Vine giving life to us the Branch, our sinless Savior, our resurrected and living Advocate, the Head of His Body the Church, and our soon-coming King. He is the Ancient of Days, the Lord of lords, the Righteous Judge of the living and the dead, the Alpha And Omega, and the Sustainer of all that is. He is the Way to God, the Truth who gives hope, and the Life everlasting. He is the Wonderful Counselor, the Almighty God, the Everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace. He is the Resurrection and the Life, He is the only One we’re looking for if we want to go to God. He is the ultimate Victor over sin and death and evil.

Here are more verses where God the Father and Jesus the Son are both described as being something. What are they described as being?
*Psalm 11:7; 19:9; Acts 17:31
*Psalm 135:6; Ephesians 1:11
*Who is Jesus in your life today?