Lesson 15: Why Did Jesus Have to Die Such a Terrible Death? (part 3)
Read: Philippians 2:5-11 - www.bible.com/bible/59/php.2.esv
Let's look at another story, one Jesus told us. A king was throwing a party for his son's wedding. He'd made all the arrangements, invited all the guests, fancied up the banquet hall, prepared all the food, and arranged for all the best entertainment. They were ready to party! Now, he's gone one step further – he's even provided a special wardrobe for each of his guests so none of the guests will look out of place, feel inferior, be ashamed, or in any other way be uncomfortable in the presence of the other guests. As a matter of fact, he has servants at the door who will usher these guests into the changing rooms prior to the party starting.
So, here come the guests! A poor widow enters, takes off her shabby gray wool patchwork dress, and hesitantly picks up the brilliant rose silk gown with her name on it. As she slips it over her head, her messy hair is miraculously piled on top of her head and braided with pearls and diamonds. As the dress falls to the floor she feels her feet suddenly ensconced in different shoes. A farmer, in another dressing room, exchanges his worn coveralls and patched gingham shirt, muddy boots and torn socks as well. He slips his arms into the softest white shirt his hands had ever touched. The tuxedo fits to perfection, and when his feet emerge from the pant legs they are enclosed in silk socks and the softest shoes his tired toes have ever experienced.
There is one guest, however, who shakes his head at the servant, then says he's fine with what he's wearing. He's come in his best togs, ready to impress anyone and everyone else in the great hall. He stands, arrogantly impatient, as his name is announced at the ballroom door. Before he can step through, however, the host approaches and asks, "What is this man wearing?" The servant who had followed him from the door exclaims to the host, “This guest refused the clothes he was offered.” "Take him away!" the host demands. "But why?" begs this guest. "Look at yourself!" exclaims the host. The guest looks down at himself and sees himself dressed in beggar's rags, as filthy as if he had just come in from working in the slaughterhouse. He splutters, “These are not the clothes I came in wearing!” "When compared to my clothes," the host explains, "everything else looks like your filthy rags! You should have accepted my clothes."
Jesus’ righteousness so far out-does our righteousness, ours can't even compare. Jesus' death on the cross is to be a mirror from which we see God's reality and our true sin. If we try to compare our sin with the actions of someone else next to us, we might truly think we are better than they are. But we must always measure our own heart by the cross and see the sin in our lives by God's standards.
Read again the story of Jesus' crucifixion. From any or all of the following passages, write down the sins you've committed this week, and if you haven't already done so, ask God to forgive you for your part in His death on the cross. Be sure to thank Him for the righteousness with which He has clothed you, making Heaven available to you:
* Matthew 26:47-27:50
* Mark 14:43-15:41
* Luke 22:47-23:49
* John 18:1-19:37
Lesson 15: Why Did Jesus Have to Die Such a Terrible Death? (part 3) Print
Modified on: Tue, 15 Dec, 2020 at 12:51 PM
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