March 4, 2024: “God raised him up, loosing the pangs of death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it.” (Acts 2:24)

Launch of Easter Campaigns TODAY (3/4/24)

We have a new Easter advertising campaign designed to help visitors understand the centrality of Jesus’ resurrection by featuring four compelling facts about it: 

  • Jesus of Nazareth really did live and experienced death.
  • The brutal expertise of the Romans in crucifixion is well-documented. It’s absurd to believe Jesus survived His scourging and crucifixion.
  • Jesus was seen after His death by hundreds of witnesses. The Jewish leadership inadvertently confirms basic facts of His resurrection through their claim the body was stolen.
  • The Apostles and their associates documented it all, linked it with dozens of prophecies in the Old Testament and went to their deaths claiming they saw the Resurrected Christ.
For more, see the article we’ve prepared on the Volunteer Resources Page

New OM Helpful Hint

PATH gives you a way to “close” conversations that have come to a stopping point. It’s simple to do. It’s also necessary when a conversation has come to its natural end. If a Contact writes you again, the conversation can still pick right back up. The latest Helpful Hint video explains why we should to close a conversation with a Contact, explains the circumstances under which it is appropriate to do so, and explains how to go about closing conversations.

(Note: we’ve been so pleased at all the great feedback about the Helpful Hints videos - one suggestion was to create notes to summarize these short messages, so we now have “infographic-style” summaries of all of them!)

[ Note: MARK READ to clear this message ]