October 22, 2024: “…the one who prophesies speaks to people for their upbuilding and encouragement and consolation.” (1 Corinthians 14:3)

Updated Table of Outreach Campaigns

Have you seen URLs you don’t recognize on your Contact’s Profile details at the top of the Conversation? (In the blue area) They may be from a new advertising campaign. Here’s how to see the ads or short videos and gospel pages they have seen:

  1. Note the entire URL
  2. Go to the “Help” menu and click “Support”
  3. Find the “Quick Links” section of the “Volunteer Resources” page
  4. Choose “Links to Domains used in Messages from Contacts”
  5. Find the URL in the table:
    • A screenshot of the ad the Contact saw appears next to the matching URL
    • A link to the landing page for decisions appears below the screenshot
  6. Based on the Contact’s question or comment and/or a question inspired by the ad or landing page you have seen, compose a short, conversational message inviting the Contact to reply to you so that you can bridge from their immediate concerns to their true need for Jesus.


Click to see demonstration