Happy to hear from you again!
I am hopeful that God is working in you to lead you to His truth.
Let's continue by learning about the state of humanity.
Did you know that NO ONE has the capacity to be perfect in what they think, what they do, or what they say? Some people seem to behave better than others but good behavior does not equal blameless life. Every single person has thought wrong thoughts, said wrong things, committed wrong actions at some point in their lives.
“For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard.” – Romans 3:23
The problem is not only that we commit sins, but it is the sinful condition that enslaves us. The Bible says that “sin ruled over all people and brought them to death” (Romans 5:21). Every single human who has ever been born is enchained to sin.
This is why we can never do enough good things to remove sin ourselves. This is like putting fancy clothes on a dead man. He may look better, but he’s still dead.
But Jesus died on the cross to liberate us from the chains of sin and death and to transform our sinful hearts into new hearts so that what we think, what we do, and what we say can be renewed. Only he had the power to take away sins and defeat death.
The “death” referred to in the passage above is not just physical death, but spiritual death – eternal separation from God in a place called Hell. Imagine a place where only evil and sin exists. That is how eternity without God will be.
How does it feel to learn that no one is perfect? Do you agree or disagree? Why?
What are your thoughts, opinions, or feelings about being enslaved to sin?
What do you think about God’s free gift of liberation from sin and death? Is this something that moves you?