Sexual Purity - Lesson 5
Why is Sexual Purity Vital for the Christian?
Our bodies belong to God, not to us.
God reminds us in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 we are not our own, we were bought with a price, and so we should honor God with our bodies. When we are born again, our bodies are no longer our own because we surrender ownership of all we are to God, becoming the temples of His Holy Spirit. Think about it: Our bodies are actually the temple of the Holy Spirit – He dwells within us!
It is a common misconception that we save our bodies for our spouse, but we actually save our bodies for Christ, so we may live a holy life. Out of our reverence for God, we and our spouses both benefit in the future.
Apply God’s Word to your life:
Read Romans 12:1-2. How can you apply these verses in the area of sexual purity?
Some Christians find having an “accountability partner” to be vital in resisting temptation and staying on God’s path for their life. Think of a strong Christian with whom you can be 100% truthful. Ask them if they will pray for you, contact you on a regular basis and hold you accountable in this area of sexual purity.
Day 5: Why Sexual Purity is Vital for the Christian, part 4 Print
Modified on: Wed, 20 Jan, 2021 at 9:16 PM
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