Mark lesson 4
Read Mark 1:40-2:12 –
Mark 1:40-45
Painful open sores caused everyone to dread leprosy. Those who contracted it were quarantined because the disease was highly contagious. In this story, Jesus did what no one else dared do -‐ He touched a leper. When He did so, the man was healed immediately. His sores were instantly transformed into smooth skin. The Lord then instructed the cleansed leper to report his healing to the priest (a requirement of the law of Moses -‐ Leviticus 13-‐14), but to tell no one else. The man, however, went out and told everyone -‐ the exact opposite of what Jesus had said. Undoubtedly he was thrilled that he had been healed, and probably imagined that spreading the news about Jesus would honor Him. But the fact remains that he did just what Jesus had said not to do. As a result, the Lord was thronged by such large crowds that He could no longer publicly enter into cities, but had to remain in unpopulated areas. We should learn a lesson: All disobedience, even well-‐intentioned, hurts Jesus' work.
1. After Jesus spoke, how long was it till the leprosy was healed? a) several weeks, b) several days, c) immediate, d) the Bible does not say. Answer: ______
2. After Jesus had healed the leper, He told the man to show himself to whom? Answer: He was to show himself to the ______
3. What was the result of the leper disobeying Jesus' orders? a) he became a leper again, b) Jesus was thronged by crowds so large that He couldn't enter a town, c) Jesus praised his evangelism, d) he became an apostle. Answer: _____
Summary: This study shows the greatness of Jesus: John was unworthy to untie His shoes; God spoke from heaven endorsing Him; He expelled demons by a mere word; He healed the sick immediately regardless of the nature of their infirmity. This chapter also indicates how we should respond to His greatness: Immediately obey everything He says, no matter what sacrifice is required; respect the authority of His message; and, obey Him even when His command seems unreasonable.
Mark 2:1-12
Note -Who will reach Jesus? Consider the five men as they approached the house in which Jesus was teaching. They had come in order to see Him, but their way to Jesus was blocked by a big obstacle: the crowd. Many would have simply turned around and gone back home. Not these men. They were determined, even desperate, in their desire to see Jesus. Their procedure, unroofing the roof, was radical but it worked. Even today, those who want to come to Jesus frequently encounter barriers in their path. The only ones who actually reach Him are those who are absolutely determined and who refuse to allow anything to keep them from following Him. How determined to be with Jesus are you?
4. What did the paralytic and his friends do when they were unable to reach Jesus? a) gave up and went home; b) waited for God to open a path through the crowd; c) offered a financial contribution; d) took off part of the roof so the paralytic could enter the house through the opening. Answer:
5. What did Jesus do for the paralytic before healing him? Answer: He ______ his sins.
6. Who alone can forgive sins? Answer: Only ______ can forgive sins.
7. How did Jesus prove He has the power to forgive sins? Answer: He ______ the paralyzed man.
(Thought question: If only God can forgive sins, but Jesus proved that He could forgive sins, what does that prove about the nature of Jesus?)