Books on Reaching Muslims by Christians
The Messenger, the Message and the Community, by Rolland Muller
Roland Muller does a masterful job of addressing western, Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist audiences. Muller illustrates his points with examples drawn from a wide variety of backgrounds. Discover new perspectives on how God wants to rejuvenate your ministry. Thirty one chapters and over 320 discussion questions. Used as a textbook or required reading an a variety of college courses.
Muslims, Christians, and Jesus, by Carl Medearis
The author tells how he engages Muslims in fresh, non-threatening ways that diffuse tensions and pique interest in Christ.
The Crescent through the Eyes of the Cross, by Dr.Nabeel Jabbour
After reading this book, I thought it should have been titled, “The Cross through the Eyes of the Crescent,”because I came away with an appreciation for the difficulties Muslims have in understanding and being attracted to the Gospel as it is typically presented by Christians. A powerful appeal to reexamine cherished assumptions and to make sense to your audience.
Glad News! God Loves You, My Muslim Friend, by Samy Tanagho
Written to the Muslim inquirer, this book is an excellent presentation of the message of salvation covering all the important misconceptions and questions the Muslim may have, as well as the essential biblical teachings. Use this one for an evangelistic gift, as well as your own reference.
The Gospel for Muslims, by Thabiti Anyabwile
As a former Muslim, the author knows firsthand the power of the gospel at work in a person's heart. This book is written for the average Christian sho wants to share his or her faith but isn't sure how. Its main point is delightfully plain: as Christians we already know everything we need to know to effectively share the good news of Jesus Christ with a Muslim.
Answering Islam, the Crescent in Light of the Cross, by Norman Geisler and Abdul Saleeb
What are the fundamental beliefs of Islam and how can Christians respond to them? Evaluated the claims of orthodox Islam and examines the evidence of the Christian counterclaim, preparing you with strong apologetic answers.