Read the HISTORY:

You've probably heard that quote in relation to world events. But it is just as important in your GMO work.

When you click on someone in your inbox, please make sure to see if the word HISTORY (in the upper right of the preview screen) is dark. If it is, that means this is NOT a brand new contact, but a returning one. Click on the HISTORY button and see what this contact has written (and what's been sent to him or her). Then craft an appropriate response. Whatever you do, DON'T send the same template this person has already seen.

Acknowledge COMMENTS:

Have you ever asked someone something, and the answer had absolutely nothing to do with the question? For example: Have you seen Susie? Answer: It’s 10 o’clock! 

That is what it must seem like to a contact when we don’t notice the question/comment in their message, and acknowledge it when we reply. The ARC manual emphasizes that the contact's comment or question is more important than their Indicated Spiritual Decision. Please be sure to modify your response and answer the question, or refer to the comment, made by the contact.