Inspired by and replaces 'For Love of Muslims' 8-2015
A Field Ready for Harvest
One of the largest people groups in the world yet to be reached for Christ are Muslims. Although there are many countries that are primarily Muslim, we may receive messages from Muslims from anywhere in the world. This is a resource tool which was developed to help you respond to Muslim messages through Global Media Outreach to share the gospel and make disciples.
Messages will be varied. Some will be seekers. Some have had dreams and visions of Jesus and want to know about him. Some are curious. Some see “godlife” and may not realize we are a Christian ministry. They may ask, “What is this?” or “Who are you?” Some are Muslims who will try to convert you to Islam.
Because Muslims reject many of our most central Christian doctrines, sometimes sharing the gospel with them in a way that engages them may be difficult. Muslim worldview leads them to ask different questions about God than most religious Westerners do. We don’t need to spend time giving answers to questions they are not asking. It is helpful to understand what they believe and then, most important for us, to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Discussing our theological differences, especially at the beginning, won’t help us gain a hearing. Recent studies show that a large majority of Muslims who came to faith in Jesus Christ and became followers do so as a result of dreams and visions. Very few come to Jesus as a result of doctrinal debate. Although we have many differences in world view and religious beliefs, we care about many of the same things….family, jobs, health, education etc. So how do we get started?
First they need to know that God loves them! They need to hear it over and over because they need to understand that they are special to God. He created them as a unique person, there is not another person like them in the world and He loves THEM! He knows them, cares about them, and wants them to trust Him and come to know Him. A loving God is not a concept with which they are familiar, but one to which they will be drawn.
Second, we must allow God to demonstrate His love through us, because He loves them deeply and personally. We must humbly and respectfully present the good news of Jesus Christ and not allow ourselves to get drawn into debates. Salvation is a work of God and debating often draws on human logic, causing people to defend their belief even more. We need to allow ourselves to be used of God and let Him do what only He can do,
Third, we must be single-minded in our ministry. We are here to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and the only way to God. They need Jesus! God has brought them to this site. Perhaps something they have seen, heard or read has revealed a void only God can fill.
What is Islam?
Islam is a monotheistic faith believed to have been given to the Prophet Muhammad by Allah (God) in the seventh century. Muslims follow the teachings of the Quran and strive to keep the Five Pillars. Islam is more than a religion, it is a way of life guided by Allah, through their holy books.
Brief History of Islam
the seventh century, over a span of 23 years, Muhammad claimed the angel
Gabriel visited him and revealed to him the words of Allah (the Arabic word for
“God” used by Muslims). These dictated
revelations are the source of the Quran, Islam’s holy book. Islam means
“submission,” and the word Muslim means “one who submits.”
The Doctrine of Islam - There are six articles of faith:
- Belief that God is one.
- Belief in angels.
- Belief in the prophets. The prophets include biblical prophets, and end with Muhammad as Allah’s final prophet. In Islam, six prophets are considered major: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. Jesus is considered the holiest prophet, without sin and born of a virgin.
- Belief in the Holy Books. Muslims accept certain portions of the Bible such as the Law and the Gospels. They believe the Quran is the preexistent, perfect word of God.
- Belief in the day of judgement and the hereafter. This is a greatly feared day in which God will weigh every person’s deeds and determine their eternal destination.
- Belief in predestination. God is supreme and all powerful and Muslims believe He has decreed everything that will happen. They often use the phrase, inshallah, meaning, “if God wills.”
The Five Pillars of Islam
- The testimony of faith (Shahadah): It is written in Arabic and means, “There is no God but God and Muhammad is his prophet.” A person can convert to Islam by stating this creed.
- Prayer (salat): Five ritual prayers must be performed at specified times each day.
- Giving – This almsgiving is a certain percentage given once a year.
- Fasting (sawm): Muslims fast during Ramadan, which is in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. They must not eat or drink from dawn until sunset.
- Pilgrimage (hajj): If physically and financially possible, a Muslim must make the pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia at least once. The hajj is performed in the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar.
Understanding Their Beliefs
- Islam is based largely on works. Even the most devoted Muslims lack the assurance of God’s favor and eternity in heaven. Muhammad himself was unsure of his final destination. Because of the differences in their beliefs and ours, they often have trouble understanding our beliefs and the terms we often use when witnessing. One of the difficulties in sharing the gospel involves misconceptions on both sides. For example, the Bible teaches Jesus is the Son of God. Muslims have the misconception that we believe that the birth of Jesus was the result of a sexual encounter between God and Mary. To them this is blasphemous. Of course no Christian believes that and it is offensive to even consider it.
- Muslims claim that Jesus was one of the most important prophets, but not the Son of God.
- Muslims do not believe Jesus died on the cross. They do not understand why God would allow His prophet to die a torturous death. They believe the crucifixion makes God look weak. Many Muslims believe a substitution was made and it was not Jesus who died on the cross.
- Muslims do not understand the concept of the Trinity. Some think we believe in 3 gods – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and other believe we worship God the Father, God the Son, and Mary, the Mother of Jesus.
- Since most people born in Muslim countries are Muslim, they have the misconception that Westerners are all Christians. Most Muslims do not have categories, as Christians do, for those whose religion is only a cultural tradition and those who have actually made a decision to follow Jesus. The Muslim culture is very different and encompasses all areas of their lives. To be born in a Muslim family is to be a Muslim. We must make it clear that not all people who call themselves Christian are true followers of Jesus, and Western nations do not represent the church.
- Muslims have been taught that the Bible has been corrupted. But of course, God who could send His word to us so we could understand Him is also powerful enough to be able to keep His word pure. There are copies of most of the New Testament books dating back to the early second century.
Their Meanings of Terms/Words they use
- Muslim – a follower of Islam, Muslim means, “one who submit.
- The 5 pillars of Islam: Faith/belief in One God (Allah), Daily prayers, Giving to the needs of the poor, Fasting, Pilgrimage to Mecca.
- Mohammad – the final prophet. Muslims believe that Muhammad is their highest moral example (Qur’an 33:21) and the final authority (along with Allah) in all decisions (Qur’an 33:36). According to the Qur’an (4:65), a person can have no faith without unquestioningly accepting Muhammad’s judgments.
- Ramadan - Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is a time of fasting for the Islamic people. Each day during this month, Muslims all over the world abstain from eating, drinking, smoking, as well as participating in anything that is ill-natured or excessive; from dawn until the sun sets. Fasting is intended to educate the Muslim in spirituality, humility and patience. It is a time to cleanse the soul, focus attention on God, and put into practice selflessness. Ramadan is a time for Muslims to fast for the sake of God and to put forward more prayer than is customary.
- The Quran - They believe it came directly from God in his language (Arabic). Most Muslims do not speak Arabic, but they memorize the Quran in it.
- The Shahada (also spelled “Shahadah”) is the Islamic Creed, one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The word “Shahada” comes from the verb shahida, meaning “he testifies” or “he bears witness.” In reciting the Shahada, a Muslim bears witness that Allah is the only true god, and that Muhammad is Allah’s prophet. The shortest form of the Shahada would be translated: “There is no god but Allah; Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.” Longer versions are common, especially those beginning with “I bear witness” or “I testify,” e.g.: “I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.” A person becomes a Muslim by reciting the Shahada, with a sincere heart, in Arabic.
- Sharia - Sharia law is the law of Islam. The Sharia (also spelled Shariah or Shari'a) law is cast from the actions and words of Muhammad, which are called "Sunnah," and the Quran, which he authored. The Sharia law itself cannot be altered, but the interpretation of the Sharia law, called "figh," by imams is given some leeway.As a legal system, the Sharia law covers a very wide range of topics. While other legal codes deal primarily with public behavior, Sharia law covers public behavior, private behavior and private beliefs. Of all legal systems in the world today, Islam's Sharia law is the most intrusive and strict, especially against women.
- Infidel/Kaffir - unbelievers.
They are familiar with the OT
Law, the Psalms and the Gospels by their Arabic names.
Sin - They do not have a concept of sin, but they do understand shame and guilt.
What they believe about the Bible:
- It was given by God originally, but has been corrupted.
- They are taught it has errors.
- They do not accept the Bible as the Word of God now.
Apostasy- In most Muslim countries it is unlawful for Muslims to leave Islam and convert to another faith and is often punishable by death. It is also consider apostasy to question the tenets of Islam.
What they believe about Jesus:
- He was a messenger sent from God
- He was a great prophet
- He was Muslim
- He is not the Son of God
- God has no Son (To them this is shirk...blasphemy)
- He never said he came to establish Christianity
- He did not die on the cross. There was a substitution and it was someone else who died.
- They do believe he was taken up into heaven.
- They do believe he performed miracles.
- Pray before you write God knows the need of the heart. Ask Him to give you the words they need to hear.
- Be welcoming Encourage them. Ask how you can help them and how you can pray for them. Express genuine interest and concern. Write out a prayer for them and/or their families.
- Share Jesus Talk about his life, his teachings and his ways.
- Share personal testimony As you have opportunity, share the difference Jesus has made in your life. Tell how your life has changed since becoming a follower of Jesus.
- Avoid debate. We can answer their questions but let them know you are not here to debate. We are a Christian organization who wants to give everyone the opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. Tell them Jesus loves them and you are praying he will reveal himself to them. Tell them only Jesus can help them understand the “Truth” He says He is – and if they ask him, he will reveal Himself to them.
- Use scripture as often as you can in your messages, and give them the Bible link so they can read His word in their own language. Recommend that they start with the Gospels. As they read, the Holy Spirit will work in their hearts to show them truth. Hebrews 4:12 says, For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes the innermost thoughts and desires. Give Scriptures about Jesus, God, peace, hope, life, forgiveness etc.
- Always be respectful of Mohammad and the Quran – If we are flippant or disrespectful, we will lose our listener. Instead, hold up Jesus and who He said He is. If someone asks what we think of Mohammed, we can say we are Christians and follow Jesus rather than Mohammed. That gives our position without giving offense.
- We have already suggested that sharing God’s love for your Muslim friend is a powerful and effective message to them. There are a few other concepts that are also easily understood.
- Victory – they are aware of the power of evil in their lives and in the world. Jesus has already won the victory over death itself and offers all who come to Him eternal life.
- Jesus is the King of all kings, and the book of Matthew portrays this clearly. Many of the Muslim templates use the book of Matthew as a key book for them to read. There is a new Bible Study available from the book of Matthew.
There is no weapon available to us as effective as prayer. We are dealing with spiritual deception, and therefore only spiritual weapons are effective. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 tells us, For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.
Ask Jesus in your prayer to open your contact’s eyes and reveal Himself to them. Show them you are a person of prayer, and you believe in the reality and power of prayer. Muslims are very religious and dedicated to prayer, and respect others who openly demonstrate their own faith in the power of prayer.
Only the Holy Spirit knows their hearts. We have no power to save. We are only instruments in the hands of God. Since the battle is not against flesh and blood, we must allow the Spirit to work in power against the spiritual enemy.
Answering questions
Always be patient and kind. It is okay to answer their questions and respectfully disagree, however as stated previously, we should not get into debates. 1 Cor. 1:23 tells us the cross is foolishness or a stumbling-block to people. They will not be persuaded by human logic because the unbeliever cannot understand spiritual things unless the Holy Spirit reveals it. – 1 Cor 2:14.
Muslims are often concerned about security of information. You may see some who will use numbers instead of their name. Be aware and do not put any information in the Subject Line that might draw attention to anyone nearby that might see their mobile device. Always keep it neutral.
New Believers
There are not often churches available to Muslim converts in Muslim countries since it is against Sharia Law to leave Islam. They often will find house churches where they can meet with other believers. Usually the churches that are there are for non-Muslims and people from other countries who are not allowed to try to convert Muslims. We need to pray with new believers that God will send other Christians to walk with them who will encourage them and help them to grow in their faith.
Many new believers have to give up everything to follow Jesus, even their family, job and home. In these situations it is important to give them encouragement and pray for them. They need to be discipled in the Word of God and to know that He is always there. He will never leave them or forsake them. Some will want to leave their country, but that is not always God’s plan. It may be that He will lead them to stay and be used of God where they are.
Resources and Templates
There are Muslim Templates available that answer some of the most frequently asked questions. Please familiarize yourself with what is available under Muslim Ministry, and check from time to time for updated materials.
Below is a list of subjects with corresponding Scriptures that may be helpful.
Bible inspired by God... 2 Tim 3:15-17
Bible unchanged Deut... 12:32; Rev 22:18-19
Crucifixion / Death of Jesus... Psalm22; Gal 3:13-14; Mat 27; Mar 15; Luke 23; John 19
Faith... Hebrews 11:1-6
Divisions in Christianity... John 17:11
Fasting... 1 Cor 7:5
Giving... 2 Cor 9:6-7
God’s love God is love... 1 John 4:16
We love because He first loved us... 1 John 4:19
Even before we loved Him... Rom 5:8
Honor and shame... Prov 15:33; Heb 5:4
Intermarriage between believer/non-believer... 2 Cor 6:14
Jesus is God’s Word... John 1:1-14
Law – completed in Jesus... Matthew 5:17
Mediator... 1 Tim 2:5
Pilgrimage... Heb 10:25
Prayer... 1 Thess 5:17
Rejection by family... Luke 14:26
Resurrection... Mat 28; Mar 16; Luke 24; John 20; 1 Cor 15:12-32;
Salvation (losing)... Rom 8:26-39
Sin in Christians... 1 John 1:8-10
Victory... Rom 8:37; 2 Cor 2:14; 1 John 4:4; John 16:33
English - Arabic
God - Allah, Khuda
Adam - Adam
Jacob - Yaqub
Moses - Musa
David - Daud
Satan- Iblis, Shaitan
Gabriel - Jibrail
Abraham - Ibrahim
The Messiah - Al- Misih
Jesus - Isa