What is a Specialty Community? 
The Online Missionaries that are in the various Specialty Communities are not counselors but faithful OMs who have had experience in the areas that are represented below. They are able to establish special relationships with Contacts who have specific issues in their lives, sharing the forgiveness and grace that can only come through accepting and following Jesus Christ.

The Depression-Suicide community handles contacts who are desperate and indicate that they are considering ending their lives. If you see this indicated in their comment section, even if it’s borderline, you should reassign to this community immediately. The OMs will be there with the help, love, concern and compassion the contact needs.

The OMs who are in the Difficult Theological Questions community answer questions from contacts that are beyond our basic knowledge.

The members of the Homosexuality community bring compassionate and Biblical advice to people seeking the truth about homosexuality and/or freedom from the homosexual lifestyle.

OMs in the Islam community respond to contacts that indicate that they are followers of Islam. The OMs in this community know how to witness to these contacts respectfully.

The Israel community handles contacts that come from Israel or the Jewish religion.

The OMs in the Marriage and Family/Violence Against Women community reply to contacts who indicate on their response form that they are dealing with marital discord or other family problems or female contacts who indicate that they have been physically, mentally and/or sexually abused. It is extremely important that such contacts be reassigned to the VAW community as soon as possible.

The Sexual Issues community accepts contacts who indicate some sort of sexual concern such as masturbation or an addiction to pornography. These OMs convey compassion and understanding to the contacts and are equipped with online sites and other resources to follow up with contacts on a regular basis. There are two separate communities…one for female and the other for male seekers.

The Spiritual Warfare community deals with contacts who indicate that they are dealing with evil forces or spiritual oppression.

The Substance Abuse community helps contacts struggling with addiction to alcohol, tobacco or drugs (illicit or prescription). The SA community is always there. Do not be afraid to reassign and please do it quickly; for some establishing a relationship with Jesus via their GMO OM is the last hope some have.

The Suffering Loss/Grief community helps those who have lost friends and/or loved ones through death.